
You won't find a more dynamic or creative part of the city. Friedrichshain has a magnetic attraction for the young and the young at heart.
The former industrial district has transformed itself within an exceedingly short time into an important center for design, fashion, art, music and entertainment: Viva, MTV, Universal, Zapa, Pyramid, the German Center for Architecture (Deutsches Architekturzentrum) and many others are located here. A further highlight is being built by the American investor Phil Anschuetz on the 21-hectare site adjacent to Berlin's East Station (Ostbahnhof). In September 2008, the superlative event venue known as the O² Arena will be opened here with a Bon Jovi concert. Thus Berlin will have a piece of its history returned to it in the form of its status as the metropolis and birthplace for movies and shows.
The neighborhood centered around the Simon-Dach-Strasse and the Boxhagener Platz with its bars, restaurants, clubs, boutiques and designer shops is well-known far beyond the state borders. Here you'll find locations that meet every standard and taste, from plain and simple to classy and elegant, from punk to couture, from alternative to hip. The neighborhood lets everyone enjoy the freedom of recreating his or her own personal lifestyle over and over again.
Friedrichshain is an amalgamation of all kinds of lifestyles and a place in which individuality can be freely expressed.
